Curriculum Departments
Please use the links opposite to access further information about our curriculum departments.
On these pages you can find details of the specialist teachers in each area, as well as the curriculum that is followed in each subject.
Each department has produced a '5 Year Curriculum Overview', which sets out the learning journey pupils will follow in each subject throughout their time at Saint Bede's. In addition, there are 'Curriculum Plans' for each year group which detail the knowledge and skills pupils will acquire in each topic, and how this will be assessed.
An example of each of these documents is provided below.
Five Year Curriculum Overview
To view the curriculum overview for the subject, including details of the main topics to be studied, please click the 'click here' link below the heading.
Curriculum Plans
To view the curriculum plans for the subject in each year group, including details of topics to be studied and how they will be assessed, please click the link bullet pointed list below the heading.