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As Governors of Saint Bede's, we are proud of our school and very keen to see it develop for the benefit of the pupils of this area. Saint Bede's Catholic High School was created in 1961 for around 350 pupils. There are now around 820 pupils at the school and different sections have been added over the years.


Name of Governor: Mr P Marsden
Appointment date: 1st September 2021
Nature of role: Headteacher
Business interests: None
Financial interests: None
Committee: Admissions, Appointments
Governance roles in other schools: St Mary's Catholic High School, Leyland
Relationship between other governors and members of staff: None

Name of Governor: Mrs S Alfrey
Appointment start date: 29th June 2023
Appointment end date: 28th June 2027
Nature of role: Foundation Governor 
Appointed by: The Diocese of Lancaster
Committees: To be confirmed
Individual responsibilities: To be confirmed
Business interests: None
Financial interests: None
Governance roles in other schools: None
Relationship between other governors and members of staff: None

Name of Governor: Mr R Coleman
Appointment start date: 12th November 2023
Appointment end date: 20th November 2027
Nature of role: Staff Governor 
Appointed by: School Staff
Committees: To be confirmed
Individual responsibilities: To be confirmed
Business interests: None
Financial interests: None
Governance roles in other schools: None
Relationship between other governors and members of staff: None

Name of Governor: Mrs M Craddock
Appointment start date: 8th May 2023
Appointment end date: 7th May 2027
Nature of role: Parent Governor
Appointed by: Saint Bede's Catholic High School - Parents
Committees: To be arranged
Individual responsibilities: To be arranged
Business interests: None
Financial interests: None
Governance roles in other schools: None
Relationship between other governors and members of staff: None

Name of Governor: Mr N Craine
Appointment start date: 14th October 2021
Appointment end date: 13th October 2025
Nature of role: LEA Governor
Appointed by: Lancashire County Council
Committees: Headteacher Appraisal and Pay, Staffing Review / Dismissal
Individual responsibilities: Link Governor for Quality of Education
Business interests: Lancashire County Council Catering Services
Financial interests: None
Governance roles in other schools: Lancashire County Council Catering Services
Relationship between other governors and members of staff: None

 Name of Governor: Mr D Culshaw
Appointment start date: 1st September 2021
Appointment end date: 31st August 2025
Nature of role: Vice Chair of Governors / Foundation Governor
Appointed by: The Diocese of Lancaster
Committees: Appointments, Staffing Review/Dismissal
Individual responsibilities: Finance and Link Governor for Personal Development and Careers
Business interests: Warden Construction Ltd.
Financial interests: None
Governance roles in other schools: None
Relationship between other governors and members of staff: None

Name of Governor: Mr I Gili-Ross
Appointment start date: 14th March 2024
Appointment end date: 13th March 2025
Nature of role: Associate Member 
Appointed by: The Governing Body
Committees: N/A
Individual responsibilities: N/A
Business interests: None
Financial interests: None
Governance roles in other schools: None
Relationship between other governors and members of staff: Father of Miss G Gili-Ross (Assistant Head of English)

Name of Governor: Rev. P Hibbert
Appointment start date: 21st December 2018
Appointment end date: 20th December 2026
Nature of role: Foundation Governor
Appointed by: The Diocese of Lancaster
Committees: Admissions, Pupil Discipline, Staff Discipline/Dismissal Appeals/Complaints Review, Staff Appraisal and Pay Appeals, Headteacher Appraisal and Pay, Link Governor for Catholic Life, Staffing Review/Dismissal
Individual responsibilities: Governor Training, LASGB Governor and Link for Catholic Life
Business interests: None
Financial interests: None
Governance roles in other schools: None
Relationship between other governors and members of staff: None

Name of Governor: Mrs R Homer
Appointment start date: 14th June 2023
Appointment end date: 13th June 2027
Nature of role: Foundation Governor
Appointed by: The Diocese of Lancaster
Committees: To be confirmed
Individual responsibilities: None
Business interests: None
Financial interests: None
Governance roles in other schools: None
Relationship between other governors and members of staff: None


Name of Governor: Mr D Horton
Appointment start date: 19th November 2019
Appointment end date: 18th November 2023
Nature of role: Chair of Governors / Parent Governor
Appointed by: Saint Bede's Catholic High School - Parents
Committees: Pupil Discipline, Staff Appraisal and Pay Appeals, Staffing Review/Dismissal
Individual responsibilities: Link Governor for Safeguarding
Business interests: None
Financial interests: None
Governance roles in other schools: None
Relationship between other governors and members of staff: None

Name of Governor: Mrs S Morton
Appointment start date: June 2024
Appointment end date: June 2028
Nature of role: Foundation Governor
Appointed by: The Diocese of Lancaster
Committees: To be confirmed
Individual responsibilities: None
Business interests: None
Financial interests: None
Governance roles in other schools: None
Relationship between other governors and members of staff: None


Name of Governor: Mrs C Woodhouse
Appointment start date: 28th June 2024
Appointment end date: 27th June 2028
Nature of role: Foundation Governor
Appointed by: The Diocese of Lancaster
Committees: To be confirmed
Individual responsibilities: None
Business interests: None
Financial interests: None
Governance roles in other schools: None
Relationship between other governors and members of staff: None

Name of Governor: Mr M Zammit
Appointment start date: 14th June 2023
Appointment end date: 13th June 2027
Nature of role: Foundation Governor 
Appointed by: The Diocese of Lancaster
Committees: To be confirmed
Individual responsibilities: To be confirmed
Business interests: None
Financial interests: None
Governance roles in other schools: Our Lady and St John Catholic College, Blackburn
Relationship between other governors and members of staff: None

Observers (with no voting rights):

Mrs J Burbridge, Governing Body Adviser

Mr R Gabrasadig, Deputy Headteacher

Mrs J Herbertson, Finance Manager

Mrs S Kelly, School Manager


Chair of each committee - the chair of each committee is nominated at the time of the committee meeting (normally longest serving Governor).